︎ Process Pending Newsletter
︎ e.h.case[at]uu.nl
Established in the 1950s, the Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) takes college and postgraduate students across the Juneau Icefield over the course of eight weeks during the summer. Students learn mountaineering, science, and art, and the program culminates in presentations of their work in Atlin, Canada. Many graduates of this program have gone on to careers in glaciology and other polar related sciences.

I was faculty on JIRP in 2018, 2019, and will return again in July 2023. In 2018 and 2019, I studied a transient firn aquifer using firn cores and an autonomous phase-sensitive radio echo sounder (ApRES). In 2023, I will return with Hannah Mode to pilot the Creative Residency Program, which pairs a scienitist and artist to create work together over the course of a two week block. In addition, I will teach students about UAV surveying and structure-from-motion methods as we map a supraglacial lake near Camp 10.